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What does it mean to network using social media?

The way we communicate with one another has evolved immensely over the past few decades, allowing social media to become a more efficient way of connecting to one another and accessing information. Social networking can be defined as using social media sites, such as facebook, instagram, twitter, etc to stay connected and intermingle with friends, co workers and clients for social or business purposes. The video showed in the article “What is a Personal Learning Network” showed that the use of social media has created an online and offline identity (Rajagopal, et. al, 2011). One that has changed and evolved our personal learning by developing the way we create and share our ideas. I think its important to understand that using social media to network, isn’t just limited to the social aspect. While, they allow the ability to socialize with people beyond in person interactions, it is also a place to post ideas to get feedback, an opportunity to grow your business by making long term professional connections, as well as the ability to get an education, like we have seen with zoom classes throughout the covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, social networking is merely the ability to connect with like minded people for the purpose of reflecting on your own and other peoples experiences and ideas that will promote growth and develop your own personal learning goals.

How do people learn & engage using mediated platforms?

Mediated platforms provide a space for people to connect beyond just in person interactions. For example, zoom is a media platform that has become even more popular among the education system with covid-19. Zoom is a form of video communication, allowing you to virtually meet with your professors and classmates. In this new normal, with social distancing, that the covid-19 pandemic has brought, zoom has become a crucial resource for teachers and students to be able to communicate safely. Additionally, the article “Understanding Personal Learning Networks” (Rajagopal, et. al, 2011) discusses the idea that mediated platforms have become a foundation for creating social change and awareness. For instance, people are able to read and educated themselves on contemporary social issues, such as the black lives matter movement we are seeing right now. Individuals are able to engage in platforms to share their opinions and ideas and inform themselves on what is happening in the world around them. Moreover, media platforms offer individuals the opportunity to express their personal beliefs and educate themselves through the connection with likeminded people.

How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

In todays society, teens are introduced to technology and social media at a young age, which has become a significant cultural identity among most.  While social network sites are constantly changing, they form young adults with a sense of identity and inclusiveness among their peers. Thus, teens are socialized into a culture of networked publics from a young age. To continue, society is motivated to continue to use these networked publics as they maintain connections with friends that you aren’t able to have in person communication with. For example, individuals are constantly travelling and meeting new people, and these social networks offers you the ability to preserve these connections. Moreover, the article “Understanding Personal Learning Networks” (Rajagopal, et. al, 2011), establishes that while networked publics are a great way of connecting with new people, they are also able to maintain relationships after initial events. Last, networked publics have also offered a voice for many who may of otherwise stayed silent. For example, social networks have empowered women to share their stories through the #MeToo movement. It has given survivors a platform where they have a network of people who support them and a public presence that can not be dismissed. Overall, networked publics have become an important facilitator for public awareness to contemporary issues and a platform where women can feel comfortable sharing there stories.

What are the risks & rewards of public communications?

There are many risks and rewards that can come out of public communications. For example, risks can include, cyberbullying and a lack of privacy. Social media has increased abusive online behaviours, by providing the ability for perpetrators to remain anonymous. Additionally, the article “surveillance and and society”(Boyd, 2001) explores how algorithms are used to promote certain products your phone thinks you will like. This can be seen as problematic among many, who believe that public communication networks offer little to no privacy and leads to questions about who has access to these forms of personal information. In contrast, there are also many benefits to public communications like the awareness that social media platforms can bring to social issues, and the ability for individuals to access reliable information. For instance, social media has allowed for publicized voice for the black lives matter movement. People are able to share relevant information, petitions, and places to donate too, to large amounts of the population through the use of social networks. Last, social networks have allowed for access to information and articles for educational purposes. Enabling the ability for students to have access to reliable information in a more convenient and efficient way.


Boyd, D. (2001). Networked Privacy. Retrieved from:

Rajagopal, K., Joosten-ten Brinke, D., Van Bruggen, J., & Sloep, P. B. (2012). Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking skills needed to optimally use them. First Monday, 17(1) doi:10.5210/fm.v17i1.3559. Retrieved from:

What is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)? Retrieved from:




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