Blog Post 11

Reflect on your experience in the course, your development of PLN, your use of social media platforms and networked publics, share any changes in your perspective of social media in professional settings and personal use.

Before starting this post I went back and reflected on where my posts started in this class to where they are now. Ive gained such a deeper understanding of how much social media plays in our ability to have or not have a successful future. Before taking this course, I viewed social media and the internet as a way to connect with people that I might not be able to face to face or a way to gain knowledge on particular topics. After taking this class i’ve realized that if you use your PLN correctly there can be so many benefits in your personal and professional life. All the guest lectures we listened to had at least one theme in common and that was that all had made a connection with particular people that later benefited where they are today. So one of the most important points that I have taken from this class is that by growing a successful PLN, you are enabling yourself to grow and foster critical relationships with people that will empower you in the future. This idea also connects with the reading from this week, “Digital Leader: 5 Simple Keys to Success & Influence Ch. 16 Qualman, Erik – Empower Others”, which, states that connections are vital to ones success (Qualman, 2012). One of the quotations that stood out to me the most was “the key is making sure our connections feel empowered to not only share information, but to move forward to take initiative to help accomplish shared objectives” (Qualman, 2012, ch. 16, p.1). I really resonated with this because I think its important to have a two way relationship with others, where you each share your knowledge to help empower and support the other.

Additionally, this course has given me the opportunity to reflect on the social media platforms I use and how I can benefit from developing my PLN. I think I have a platform that has benefited me so far, but i think as I get closer to graduation I need to reflect on how I can improve my network to better support me in my future career. I want to start engaging more with people who have similar interests in terms of career, so for me I think it would be beneficial to join and engage in groups with other students looking at being teachers. Furthermore, I have volunteered in schools before, as I think its a valuable opportunity for me to get my name out their and meet mentors that can share their success stories as well as the challenges that they have faced in their career. This is an example of a two way relationship, as I would be of great help in the classroom by being an extra set of hands to help with activities. As well as, it would be an opportunity for me to learn and benefit from their knowledge and experiences. Overall, I think social media has become a great way for open collaboration to enhance ideas, gain a new perspective, and to share and receive resources and learning materials from people all around the world. A PLN allows for lifelong learning that can see continuous improvement and benefit one both in their personal and professional lives.


Qualman, E., & Books24x7, I. (2012). Digital leader: 5 simple keys to success and influence (1st ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

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